Sunday, November 11, 2012


"Now, Sir," the member said, "we have inherited a tradition. People always keep saying to me: 'Oh, you are the maker of the Constitution.' "My answer is I was a hack. What I was asked to do, I did much against my will."
He ridiculed the "notions of democracy" the country had acquired because of its hatred of the British, like the notion that to leave any discretionary powers with the Governor is undemocratic. "We have inherited the idea that the Governor must have no power at all, that he must be a rubber-stamp," the member explained. "If a minister, however scoundrelly he may be, if he puts up a proposal before the Governor, he has to ditto it. That is the kind of conception about democracy which we have developed in this country," he continued.
"But you defended it," interjected a member from Rajasthan.
"We lawyers defend many things....," said the member. Several members were on their feet protesting.
He proceeded to ask the Home Minister: “were our Constitution to give discretionary powers to Governors on the lines of the Canadian Constitution, how would it become undemocratic?” The Home Minister said his answer was that the member had been responsible for drafting the Constitution. The member shot back, "You want to accuse me of your blemishes?"
He returned to the point a little later in his speech : "Sir," he said, "my friends tell me that I have made the Constitution. But I am quite prepared to say that I shall be the first person to burn it out. I do not want it. It does not suit anybody...."
The member ? B.R. Ambedkar, of course!
इस देश में जो दलित है उन्होंने गलत ही सही, मन में एक बात बैठा ली है कि इस संविधान को भीम राव अम्बेडकर ने बनाया है और जो लोग इसे नकार रहे हैं वे सब भीम राव अम्बेडकर को नापसन्द करते हैं। इसलिए इसे नकारते हैं। इस तथ्य को हम लोग और बारीकी से समझे। अम्बेडकर ने कभी भी यह दावा नहीं किया कि मैंने यह संविधान बनाया। इसके विपरीत अम्बेडकर ने सितम्बर, १९५३ को राज्य सभा में कहा कि इस संविधान को आग लगाने की जिस दिन जरूरत पड़ेगी, मैं पहला व्यक्ति रहूंगा जो इसे आग लगाउॅंगा। यह राज्य सभा की कार्यवाही का हिस्सा है। एक बात और समझने की है कि भीमराव अम्बेडकर संविधान सभा की ड्राफिटंग कमैटी के चेयरमैन थे और मेरे अध्ययनानुसार सदस्य भी थे। बाकी तेरह नाम और भी थे। वे सब बड़े-बड़े नाम थे। यदि हम उन सबका रोजनामचा देखें, जो संविधान सभा की प्रोसिडिंग का पार्ट भी है, तो मालूम होगा कि ये सब लोग अपने चुनाव क्षेत्र में घूम रहे थे। उन्होंने देख लिया था कि संविधान वगैरा तो बन ही जायेगा। हमें पहले चुनाव जीतने की चिन्ता करनी चाहिये जिसके बल पर अगली लोकसभा में आना है। उसी समय माउन्ट बैटन ने अपनी पत्नी लेडी माउन्ट बैटन की कैद में रखकर बी. एन. राव से जैसा चाहा वैसा संविधान बनवाया। संविधान सभा की जो प्रोसिडिंग है उसकी बिटविन दी लाइन्स आप पढ़ेंगे तो सब पता चल जायेगा। आज जो परिस्थिति है उसमें हमें नयी संविधान सभा की बात करनी चाहिये।
Emerson who wrote: “Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh.  Like wise the Jurisdiction of court is like that of constructor of a building which has either perfection or many defects. The final word of posterity is dependent upon the skill and calibre of builder who may heartily desire to build up it like expert builders with architectonic virtues to amend or/and add some material both by method and uniformity and if the structure itself does not found ventilation for the want of windows and lake of sufficient light or other deficiency in the architecture, whatsoever, then to demolish the existing structure, only than we may blessed the amending hand as if the trumpet idea gives an uncertain sound who shall prepare himself to the battle? The jurisdiction of the court is founded on the basis of three factors; one to enforce the uniform applicability of law, irrespective of the fact, who is before it by the litigant. Second is pertaining to maintain uniformity in imparting the justice, as the law may not be swept away by mere ideological, sentimental and psychological retardation in interpreting the statutory provision. Thirdly, in order to get the equity and justice pertaining to the factual matrix closer to the rigmarole of the technicalities of the law and to take justice at the doorstep of law.   Likewise justice should speak by tongue, word easy to understood, otherwise how a common man will understand and know what is spoken, if the justice shall be spoken into the air?
In our murky world of gloom, greed and agony, our duty is to save the country by means of a compassionate recipe a la Vivekananda.
It is better to be ultimately right than consistently wrong. To conceal the truth with regard to assets is unbecoming of fiat justicia, civilised justice, justices and justicing. Sorry, chief. You still can hold a kindly light amid the encircling gloom. No more darkness, but light. You are still the leader of luminous law and untainted truth, without fear or favour.
You see , the Indian Independence Act, 1947 declaring two domains under the crown of British India as the Member of the Common Wealth, where Queen of England is still the citizen of all the members of Common wealth Nations and she as Queen of England, still has a place above to the Prime Minister and Our (ceremonial) President of India and also above the head of the State of other Nations adhered with the Common wealth. There should not be such short sentences as we may forget the use of verbs which may reconcile the idea into action. There is an inbound difficult situation faced by the lawyers on account of the competition and the restrictions imposed debarring him to perform any business may further need for stagnation of the earning of a lawyer. This may result in the financial crisis affecting the family members and as such the litigants are commonly deceived by these problem ridden lawyers in generating false hopes. The Government has yet not generated a policy of providing legal assistance to the litigant. The  medical facility and facilities for transportations are provided to the citizens from the hospital and the bus stand respectively, by the Government , but the litigant craving for the indulgence of the justice from the court of law is seldom getting the means to travel up to the  door of the court. A system has to be evolved to provide cheaper legal opinion and simplifier system of the pleading to get the relief.
Thus in absence of the Status to be the self respected nation or even as a Country in its true senses, like other nations of the World, can we still claim , the "WE, The People" as the citizen of an independent Nation, or may be dignified as the Slave under the Alien Institutional Corruption prevalent in our So call British India and Anglo Saxon Jurisprudence.  The awakened robes have righted the absurd wrong of the chief. I salute you for overruling the jejune wrong; the jurisprudence of concealment is corruption. Corruption is the power of the rich. The robe shall not permit to be robbed by the rich. .” Any judge who seeks immunity from truth under the cover of the robe robs the rights of We, the People of India, the sovereign of Bharat.The court is an open book and if the Bench seeks an iron curtain between its economic interest and the litigant community it is violative of glasnost.

Why it is so as done in our background of seeking independence from the clutches of British Domination. Mahatma Gandhi, An Advocate having no Practice in South Africa and an agent of Britishers, a Bisexual,  corrupt and perverse sex admirer of Gyassuddin gazi dynasty rule started from Ishrat Villah, now known as Anand Bhawan belonging to Mubarak Ali , another Barrister with freelancer affinities to the high up in society, Agha Khan Palace, Sabarbati Ashram having so many women seeking favour to  his self projected image projected with the Support of Britishers became a prominent leader embarrassing the Nationalists contemporaneity  leaders in the power politics, It may be Lala Laj Pat Ray, Bal Ganga Dhar Tilak or Bipin Chandra Pal, but side tracked by Gandhi Nehru Nexus .  All were subsided by the Britishers Shrewd Politics of Mr.  A. O. Hume Creating Nationalist Congress Party as the Play Boy Club started in the year of 1885 to attract the Indians having craving for sex, wine and woman. A little background may be seen from the battle of palsy which was seen without having a drop of blood, but India was conquered by the Britishers. 


  1. iske proof ka koi link ya video mil sakta hai kya ????

  2. Sorry for late comment. This is the official Rajya website debate on 2nd Sept 1953.
