Let us
remember 12 June 1757, when British Army collided with Chandra Nagar Army and
leaving behind only 150 British soldiers at Chandra Nagar, Clive with an Army
of 650 English soldiers, 150 Artillery, 50 Navy and 2100 Indian soldiers on the
invitation of Traitor Meer Zafar. He marched to Morsidabad to fight against an
army consisting of more than one Lak (1,00.000) soldiers of Nawab Shahzadullah.
There was a long distance from Calcutta to Morsidabad. In between Hoogly and
Kotaya were the strong fortress under the domination of Nawab but Hoogly had
surrendered voluntarily, while in Kotaya Clive had not only succeeded by
victory, but also with a huge stock of rice which of one year. Meer Zafar,
Sadar Wazir of Nawab on being assured to become Emperor, for which Jagat Seth
Amirchand was given bribe of Rs 30 Laks, who had collided with commanders
namely Ram Durlabh and Yar Lateef in conspiracy to give this Banquest of flower
with victory to clive in the battle on 21st June 1757, Clive
received the invitation from Meer Zafar to invade the Army of one Lak soldiers
with only 3,000 soldiers, in which patriot Meer Madan fought a fearless battle
on 23 June 1757, but he was injured and withdrawn. Maharaja Mohan Lal who
fought with the troops upto the deciding hour of victory, was withdrawn on
persuation of Meer Zafar. Meer Madan had informed Nawab Shahzadullah in respect
of conspiracy of Meer Zafar, has put his crown on his feet and persuaded by
administering oath in the name of Allah not to betrayal during the struggle,
after withdrawing Maharaja Mohan Lal from battle field, Zafar conveyed the
message to clive to attack at Midnight and ultimately Nawab Shahzadullah ran
away from battle field of plassey to Morsidabed and Meer Zafar having 45,000
soldiers surrendered before the Clive. This was the reason of calling the
Indians as cowardice, selfish and primitive by the Churchill at the wake of
Independence and partition of India.
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